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Liebherr's HS 8300 Duty Cycle Crawler Crane Transforms Gulf of Mexico Dredging Operations

Liebherr's HS 8300 Duty Cycle Crawler Crane Transforms Gulf of Mexico Dredging Operations

Posted by Weiss Broz on 25th Jun 2023

Liebherr's HS 8300 Crane Enhances Productivity for Matthews Brothers

Two major dredging projects underway in the Gulf of Mexico are employing the exceptional capabilities of Liebherr's HS 8300 duty cycle crawler crane. In Port Arthur, TX, Matthews Brothers, Inc. is using the crane's 8.5 yd TGS clamshell bucket to dredge over 5,000 yds of hardened clay, sand, and debris daily, significantly boosting their productivity and efficiency. Despite challenging conditions, including hard sediment and a depth of 46 feet, the HS 8300, renowned for its extended service life and dynamic applications, has proven itself uniquely adept at performing these demanding tasks.

Pactronic® and Dredging Assistant: Advanced Features Boost Efficiency

Matthews Brothers has further optimized their project by incorporating Liebherr’s dredging assistant package with the HS 8300. This has enabled them to preset bucket parameters, leading to easier grabs, reduced wear and tear on the bucket, and extended cable life. 

The company has also integrated the Pactronic® hybrid drive system, enhancing the crane's handling performance and significantly increasing productivity. Recognizing the importance of support and after-sales service, Matthews Brothers, Inc. appreciates Liebherr's robust service network, which has been instrumental in keeping the project on schedule.

Dutra Group's Customized Liebherr Crane Empowers Large-Scale Dredging

In a parallel operation, the Dutra Group, a California-based dredging company, is undertaking a large-scale deepening project at a US Army Corps of Engineers site in Mobile, AL. Utilizing a customized HS 8300, they are dredging a depth of 54 feet across nine miles of the Mobile channel. 

The adaptability of Liebherr's machines and the close cooperation between Dutra and Liebherr has led to increased production efficiency. The HS 8300's unique specifications and Liebherr's commitment to quality service have solidified its reputation among dredging companies globally, contributing to its popularity for large scale dredging projects.

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